Quick and Easy
Time-saving Recipes
Taco "Meat" Used as a Salad-Topping, Served with Sun-Breads.
(All ingredients are organic, non-corporate and local as much as possible.)
Here are Q & E ideas:
Use Taco Left-overs to make Taco Salad
I always make extra of the super yummy Taco "Meat" and squirrel it away. It freezes well and can be "reheated" in the dehydrator. Also, you can dehydrate it to a crunchy state, which is an awesome salad topper, as is. Or, reconstitute it with water or tomato juice for an easy moist filling for wraps.
Add Olives, chopped onion, or not-cho-cheeze as a garnish. Or if you are ready to change favors from "tex-mex" to KC BBQ top your salad or wrap with raw BBQ sauce. Careful, it's addictive!
Have an un-baking day each week. Sun breads and zucchini wrappers are super easy to make. You can make un-cookies at the same time. (Come to my un-cookies and mylk workshop for a fun secret recipe!) When ready to serve, sun breads and zucchini wraps can be re-heated at the same time as the Taco "Meat" in the dehydrator at 105 degrees.
I served the breads with humus and a big salad for proper food combining! And it's delicious!
Keep Humus On-hand in the fridge AND the freezer. Use it as a spread, dip, base for salad dressing, easily "up-darted" with a dash of curry or garlic or fresh herbs like cilantro, dill or basil. A I make a big batch of humus (not raw) and save some of the sprouted garbanzos for salad toppings. They keep in the fridge for about 4 or 5 days.
Raw BBQ Sauce for 2:
- 1/2 cup grade B maple syrup
- 2 to 3 TBS of homemade ketchup
- 1/8 tsp of smokey paprika
- 1/2 tsp (or more to taste) ground dehydrated citrus rind*
- ground black pepper and or cumin to taste
Whisk ingredients together, adjust seasoning. Dip or pour onto taco "meat". Great to "paint" onto eggplant bacon or dehydrated pears.
*Place orange, lemon and line peel in the dehydrator and just leave it there throughout the week as you make other things. soon it will be dried to a crisp. Put a small amount of course ground sea salt in the spice mill with the citrus rind and grind to a powder. If there are a few "chunks" remaining, sift them out. Or, not. I like the chunks, myself. Citrus rind with dehydrated coconut is a good seasoning to have on hand too. Dehydrated orange peel retains much of the vitamin C and beneficial acids. YEA! We need those this time of year --and it makes for award-winning BBQ sauce!
Naked Wraps
or with Taco "Meat" Crumbles
Use what's in the box from Fresh Connect
Having avocados on hand makes my life simple. Great source of plant protein and essential fatty acids. They have lost much of their mineral content in transport. However, combining fresh winter crops with dehydrated food helps balance the mineral content of the meal. Dehydrated foods have a higher concentration of minerals. You can munch on some dehydrated sea veggies or include them in the salad dressing to balance out the missing minerals in salad greens due to soil depletion. This is true year-round. Even organically produced veggies have 40% less vitamin and mineral content than food grown 40 years ago. Sad. The good news is, we can assimilate a combination of dehydrated and fresh foods to make meals that taste great and make us feel great!
Make your own cereal with sun-bread ingredients.
I save some of the sprouted buckwheat grouts from the sun-bread recipe and make dehydrated granola cereal with it. Add some maple syrup or honey and a pinch of pink salt to the wet buckwheat, spread on a teflex sheet and dry at 105 degrees until crispy. Mix with fresh fruit, sprouted almonds and mylk of choice.
Green drinks are a no-brainer and you can find an unlimited supply of raw green drink suggestions on line.
See "Raw Soups" for other quick and easy recipes.