
Tasty Bite!
An edible fall flower, Hollyhock, with stamen removed and filled with: Saffron Risotto, Butternut Squash, topped with Sprouted Black Lentils and Micro Leeks

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Live Vibe: juices!

Green Apple, Pumpkin, Celery, Beet Juice
Check out the STRIPES:
This Living Juice is SO BEAUTIFUL it was difficult to stop photographing it and drink it! I should have had a video cam - All the stripes "breath"!
I joined a Juice Club on-line with
I love Cafe Gratitude's energy and the co-founder, Terces Engelhart!
So, it's juice for the first week of each month of 2010! There. That's a New Year's Resolution, if I've er'heard one!

I juice the green apples, pear, celery and ginger first and then add the beets and pumpkin last. The result is the amazing striping: a peachy delicate foam top; a glowing translucent chartreuse base and a big yummy fuchsia middle.

For two juices:

Chop the ingredients into pieces that will fit in the juicer and divide into equal stacks:
3 to 4 small green apples
1 pear, divided (optional)
1 or 2 barbs of celery
1 medium beet with 2" of the stems still attached
1 small piece of ginger, divided
1 four-inch burdock root (optional)

Juice the light-colors first and the darker ones last.
Drink in layers, or stir it up. It's all good!

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